Bug Series: How To Deal With Lygus Bugs

It seems that almost everybody has a certain pest infesting their gardens already this year… the pesky lygus bug. It appears we are experiencing what some may call a “Lygus Bug Apocalypse,” like the one that damaged many Albertan canola crops in 2021.  What Is It And What Does It Damage? The Western Tarnished Plant […]

Bug Series: How to Deal With Fungus Gnats

Talk about tiny! Fungas Gnats! These itty-bitty little black flies, love wet habitats. We don’t notice them often outside in the open environment, but they are common household pests for our house plants. Why they’re good: Fungus gnats actually serve an important purpose in the greater ecosystem. They don’t harm our plants but rather, live […]

Bug Series: How to Deal With Spider Mites

If you’re already a gardener or a houseplant enthusiast, you’re probably familiar with the dread of finding a spider mite infestation. Spider mites are common in most places around the world (though species will vary), and these ultra-fast-reproducers give even rabbits a run for their money. These pests are not to be taken lightly – […]

Bug Series: How to Deal With Thrips

Thrips – a word that makes any houseplant collector shudder. These tiny bugs are primarily a problem indoors, where they are protected from predators and the elements, but they are common pests to vegetable and fruit garden as well. The bad news is, just a few thrips can do a lot of damage. The good […]

Mosquito Management – How to Enjoy your Backyard

Mosquitoes! With all the rain we’ve had lately it’s no wonder we’re experiencing an onslaught of them. How do we deal with mosquito management so we can enjoy the rest of our season? Here are some tips: Remove standing water Mosquitoes can breed in as little as an inch of water! Tip out any plant […]

Bug Series: Leafrollers, Tent Caterpillars & Other Caterpillars

Caterpillars – are they cute? Are they gross? They jury’s out. Depending on who you ask, caterpillars are a delightful analogy for change, or they are tiny, hungry, fuzzy monsters. If you’re a gardener and not a 1st grader, you might have a distaste for these crawling insects, but the truth is that, generally, caterpillars […]

Bug Series: How to Deal with (Common) Leafminers

Common in most North American climates, there are a great variety of leafminers species that feed on everything from prairie-hardy trees & shrubs, to the edible leaves of your fruits and vegetables. Though the damage left behind by these pests is easy to identify, the bugs are not. Maturing as small, non-descript black flies, leaf […]

Bug Series: How to Deal With Slugs

Let’s be honest, it’s not awesome when you reach down to gently pluck a new leaf from your lettuce plant and you end up with a handful of gooey slug-mush instead. Slugs typically aren’t a gardening-favourite, but these icky molluscs are easy to deal with, and usually not the end of the world. Why They’re […]

Bug Series: How to Deal with Aphids

What most people don’t realize is that these pesky little insects come in many different sizes and colours. Most commonly in Alberta, you’ll see green, yellow, black, or brown aphids. Described as “juicy-looking” bugs, these soft-shelled insects are literally just that – slow, plump, and sweet to eat (for their predators, that is). Why They’re […]